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M Soul & The Manitoba Flying Farmers

Sa., 23. Okt.



‘He’s the coolest musician you never heard of’. (Jeff Monck CKUW)

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M Soul & The Manitoba Flying Farmers
M Soul & The Manitoba Flying Farmers

Time & Location

23. Okt. 2021, 20:00

Ettenheim, Hauptstraße 72, 77955 Ettenheim, Germany


About the Event

Video -

Marcel Soulodre came into the world in a 1959 Dodge Custom Royale

while crossing the Saskatchewan and Manitoba border.

He spent his formative years growing up in Winnipeg, one of the coldest

cities on Earth as well as being Canada’s Rock ‘n Roll Capital.

As a lad, he accompanies his father’s violin playing guitar on old time fiddle

tunes. During his teenage years he begins to explore R&R, R&B, Folk, Country

and Cajun music. Soulodre then takes centre stage performing his songs.

Other artists are soon covering his songs.

He hits the road touring in a Dodge Slant 6 van named Bertha performing

countless shows from Alaska to Florida, from California to Newfoundland.

Now an established songwriter and winner of several contests in English

et Français, Soulodre sets to writing music and songs for the Canada Games,

Le Cercle Molière, CBC & Radio-Canada including plays, films and tv shows.

He performs before a live audience of 40,000 and a television audience of

200 million viewers at opening of the Pan Am Games.

‘Que je recommence’ is voted Outstanding Francophone album in Canada.

Soulodre has released 10 independant albums on his Irrational Man label.

Searching for a new adventure, he mounts an homage to the songs of

Johnny Cash ‘Wanted Man’. He is nominated for a French Country Music

award for his album of Cash ‘Don’t Take Your Guns To Town’ in 2017.

The show is still performing across North America and Europe.

In 2019 he produces ‘Blue Suede Shoes The Origins of Rock ‘n’ Roll’.

Currently based in Strasbourg France, Soulodre continues to create and

perform on a regular basis.

A new album of songs ‘Hello Out There’ with songs en français and in

English is to be released on February 24, 2022!!


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